Latest News
(Most recent at the top!)
The Open Sports Nationals from Shakespeare County Raceway
The UK Truck Event from Santa Pod Raceway
The Mini Showdown from Shakespeare County Raceway
The Nostalgia Nationals from Shakespeare County Raceway
The Summer Nationals from Santa Pod: June 17th/18th 2006
Test 'n' Tune at Shakespeare County Raceway June 10th/11th 2006
The American Car World Nationals,
Shakespeare County Raceway May 13th/14th 2006
The Shakespeare Nationals, Shakespeare County Raceway April 29th/30th 2006
The Easter Thunderball, Santa Pod Raceway April 14th/17th 2006
The Power Nationals, Shakespeare County Raceway April 1st/2nd 2006
Where are we going to be? When?